Uganda anti-gay laws: Beaten and forced to flee for being LGBT

Last month the Ugandan parliament passed an anti-homosexuality bill that meant anyone who identifies as LGBT could face life in prison. That part has now been removed in a slightly watered down version but it's still one of the toughest pieces of anti-gay legislation in Africa.
The new bill - which hasn't been signed into law by the president yet - has been heavily criticised by international human rights groups.

A Ugandan MP wore a gown with anti-homosexual slogans on it for the debate in parliament

It prescribes the death penalty for what it calls aggravated offences such as child abuse.And landlords who knowingly rent premises for homosexual acts risk going to prison for seven years.

Last month, the BBC got access to secret shelters in Uganda where LGBT people have sought refuge after being kicked out of their homes.

Now Newsbeat has spoken to two young people who've fled the East African country for neighbouring Kenya because of the tough new laws.

"Something evil has been put into society. We would be attacked, we would not be safe, Uganda is not safe."


 BBC 03-05-1955 Uganda anti-gay laws: Beaten and forced to flee for being LGBT
